Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten fesseln die Dropkick Murphys das Publikum auf der ganzen Welt mit ihrer unwiderstehlichen Energie – und genau diese Begeisterung haben sich die „Rebels with a cause“ zur Mission gemacht. Die Tributeband aus Ruppichteroth bringt die Musik der Dropkick Murphys und deren einzigartige Fusion aus Punkrock, Irish Folk und Rock, die gute Laune, Energie und puren Spaß verkörpert, authentisch auf die Bühne. Mit Ihrer Live-Performance entführen euch die „Rebels“ in eine Welt aus verzerrten Gitarrenklängen, durchdringenden Dudelsackmelodien, akustischen Instrumenten, kraftvollem Schlagzeugsound und einer mitreißenden Performance der beiden Sänger.
Wer Seraina Telli einmal live erlebt hat weiß, weshalb sich ihre Musik am besten mit “In-Your-Face-Rock” beschreiben lässt: Die Musikerin füllt jeden Raum mit ihrer unverwechselbaren Stimmgewalt, großen Gitarrenriffs und ihrer farbenfrohen Punk-meets-Glitter Attitüde. Ihre Shows wecken sämtliche Emotionen: Langeweile hat gar keinen Platz.
SCB – A brief history of evil Formed in 1999 SLAYER COVER BAND (SCB) saw the light of day when a local pubowner asked Jos (ex-Acrostichon, ex-Outburst, ex-Crustacean, Antropomorphia) and Michel (Crustacean, Travoltas) if they could do a cover set….Well of course they replied! But it will be SLAYER and SLAYER alone! The asked Serge (ex-Acrostichon, ex-Outburst , Milkman) to take seat on the drumstool and Tom (Crustacean) to live up to his first name. Don’t bother with a fancy name… everyone wants SLAYER!!! The night was a devastating success! An extra €100 was paid for one extra performance of Angel of Death. After that SCB switched drummers (Serge left to focus on Milkman) And Joris (Crustacean, Bruut) joined. After that they went on a sort of a rampage playing monthly throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. No bull, no flashy stuff, just energetic renditions of SLAYER songs of yore! After roughly 15 years in their current line-up they called it quits halfway through 2014. But early 2018 SCB came alive once more; live undead again they are prepared for war once more! 2022 was the year Michel quits and was replaced by Albert (Crustacean, Bruut, ex The Covering) on the guitars, so the story continues. There’s no knowing when these guys may stop! Ever!
Das Zusammenspiel der drei Musiker gab der Band THE POLICE ihre Einzigartigkeit und Genialität: das mittlerweile legendäre Schlagzeugspiel Steward Copelands vereinigte sich wunderbar mit Stings gnadenlosen Bassläufen. Die Gitarre von Andy Summers zeigte dem Publikum ihre beeindruckende Vielseitigkeit. Mit REGGATTA DE BLANC erleben sie live einen längst vergangenen Meilenstein der Musikgeschichte. Neben populären Hits wie "Every Breath You Take" und "Walking On The Moon" werden brilliante Stücke wie "Tea In The Sahara" und "Can´t Stand Loosing You" absolut authentisch umgesetzt. Nicht nur die Stimme des Frontmanns Mick Griese wird Ihre Ohren in Staunen versetzen - Gitarre-, Bass- und Schlagzeugspiel sind dem Original nachempfunden und bringen Sie zum SYNCHRONICITY-CONCERT aus dem Jahre 1983. 1000% Tribute - kein Cover! Näher kann man dem Original kaum kommen!
Jaded Heart was formed in 1994 in Duisburg, Germany and turned into a German/Swedish Melodic Metal /Hard Rock formation when bassist Michael Mueller, guitarist Barish Kepic and drummer Axel Kruse were joined by Swedish singer Johan Fahlberg in 2005. The first album with Johan on vocals called !Helluva Time” turned out to be a great success. It features the bands version of „Paid My Dues“ which was originally performed by Anastacia.The album was released on Frontiers Records and became a milestone in Jaded Heart ́ s history. Barish leftthe band in 2005 due to personal circumstances and swedish guitarist Peter Östros joined the band in 2006.They recorded two more albums with this line up: !Sinister Mind” in2007 and !Perfect Insanity” in 2009. Their critically acclaimed 10th album !Common Destiny” was released in spring 2012 followed by extensive touring, including a support slot for Queensryche and touring in Japan in 2012 and 2013. The band released the CD/DVD !Live In Cologne” in late 2013. After longtime drummer Axel Kruse left the band in 2014, the band recruited their friends Masahiro Eto on guitar and Bodo Stricker on drums. After a successful European tour with Masterplan, Jaded Heart released their 11th full-length album, !Fight The System” that September, followed by the Wacken Roadshows in Europe. During a Spain tour and summer festival appearances including Sweden"s Väsby Rock Festival, Jaded Heart started demoing new songs and entered the Performance Studio in Frankfurt in 2015. In spring 2016, the guys signed a new record deal with Massacre Records and returned with their 12th full-length album !Guilty By Design”. This album features their live hymn !No Reason” and up-tempo head-bangers like !Godforsaken”. The next album !Devil ́ s Gift” was released on the 30th of March 2018 and reached the top 10 of the German Metal Charts. Follow up album !Stand Your Ground” and was released worldwide on the 27th of November 2020 via Massacre Records / Soulfood Distribution. Masa Eto switched to be a team member for the band in the background because of personal reasons.The new album HEART ATTACK was released on the 14th October 2022 and includes two singles:„Heart Attack“ and „Blood Red Skies!. Their song „Heart Attack“ was co-written by Rupert Keplinger ( Eisbrecher, Lord of the Lost and many more ) 2024: New E.P. to be released in September 2024 via Massacre Records. Line Up: Johan Fahlberg – Vocals Peter Östros – Guitars - Michael Müller – Bass Bodo Stricker – Drums Support: PHÖNIX RISING